go kart plans

DIY Go Karts

Simplified Building Plans For Go Karts and Mini Bikes

Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
Fig. 3

Two Seater Frame

How to Build a Go Kart Frame

Building a frame is not complicated, but you must ensure that you're building it square. Since everything else builds from this, you don't want to start the project with a frame that isn't true. Here we lay out the frame on level concrete which, if you don't have a giant welding table, is quite handy.

Ensure that you use a square to make sure you're getting the angles right. We elected to make a two seat go kart, and made it long enough that a six foot tall person could fit in it.

This design will incorporate the adjustable seat. To attach it to this frame we'll probably use cotter pins.

When building the frame, don't weld up the engine mounting plate until you fit the engine. You can tack it in. Notice the boxed in area at the rear left axle. That is for support for the mounting plate. Careful though that your mounting bolts will still fit.

The steering arm is very sturdy in this set up. You could instead have one support coming in from the side at an angle.

The front bumper sized as shown will clear only for 4" wheels. We haven't hit anything yet, but we suspect that it will bend the angle into the tire and cause a lot of grief.

The pedals are fabricated from 1/8" flat stock.